Sponsors gain unique opportunities

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Become a sponsor

Actor’s Rep wishes to encourage corporate affiliation and sponsors gain unique opportunities for logo exposure and client entertainment. In an era where there is increasing emphasis on social responsibility, sponsorship of a theatrical production is one way of showing commitment to the local community, culture and education. Target audiences generally perceive sponsorship in a positive way. A company is viewed as connecting to the cultural lives of it’s employees and consumers. The benefits of sponsorship can be tailored to the needs of the individual donor.

What are the potential benefits of sponsorship?

  • Company logo prominently associated with the title of the production
  • Company logo prominently displayed on any advertising banners
  • Company logo prominently displayed in selected media advertising the sponsored production
  • One paragraph corporate profile in the production programme
  • Company name mentioned in each press release promoting the sponsored production
  • Recognition of sponsor on Facebook and the website www.ActorsRep.lu
  • Other specific individual benefits can be discussed

Contact Actors Rep to become a sponsor or share your ideas

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